How does testing work?
A test shoot is where a photographer and model collaborate in order to try new ideas or to add new images to their portfolio.
When testing with a model I aim to shoot three to five different looks/ideas in the hope to get a couple of good images from each look. After the shoot I'll go through the images and remove any that didn't work and then pick which images to edit. The chosen images are then fully edited and provided to the model in both low resolution for the internet (web portfolio/social media etc.) and in high resolution for printing. The number of images really depends on how many good shots there are but I try and edit at least three images per look. I shoot exclusively on 35mm film using a variety of point and shoot cameras I’ve collected throughout my travels. This means that I won’t be able to show you any of the images on the day of the shoot but that just adds to the fun!
As I'm currently building a new portfolio I don't charge models for test shoots however I am very selective over who I work with. If you'd like to shoot with me you can get in touch via the "Contact" button above.